45-foot Asteroid 2023 HL rushing towards Earth for a close encounter today, NASA says

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 Data from NASA satellites and telescopes have revealed that a house-sized asteroid will have a close encounter with Earth today. This is the 45-foot wide Asteroid 2023 HL.

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Asteroid 2023 HL is part of the the Amor group of asteroids.

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Asteroid 2023 HL will pass Earth at a distance of 5.1 million kilometers.

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Asteroid 2023 HL has a surprising fact - it is travelling really slowly at just 3730 kilometers per hour. In fact other asteroids travel at tens of thousands of kilometers per hour.

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This asteroid belongs to the Amor group of Near-Earth Asteroids which are Earth-approaching asteroids with orbits exterior to Earth but interior to Mars'.

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This asteroid has been named after Asteroid 1221 Amor, which was discovered by Belgian astronomer E. Delporte in 1932.

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The asteroid’s first close approach in recorded history happened on 24 May 1977 when it came as close as 35 million kilometers.

Photo Credit: NASA

Its last approach was on 16 June 2009 at a distance of 2.2 million kilometers.

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After today, the asteroid will pass Earth on 23 June 2035, at a distance of 5 million kilometers.

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