5 best morning habits for success and 4 apps that can guide you

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 For a successful career, one must develop morning habits for continuous improvement. Check out tips and habit-tracking apps.

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Meditate and exercise: Performing any physical activity enables you to be self-motivated and gives you the confidence to control your actions throughout the day.

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Set long and short-term goals: Morning time is the best to set long terms plans and prioritize your thing for the day or the rest of the week.

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Maintain healthy diet: The first you eat in the morning sets your mood for the day, therefore, make sure to have a balanced diet as well as a healthy breakfast in the morning.

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Plan your day: Planning your day in the morning lets you prioritize your tasks easily. You can analyze the urgency and prepare your to-do list accordingly.

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Practice mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness helps in remaining present, focused, attuned, and aligned with one's goals.

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StickK: This app enables individuals to develop good habits and stay focussed on them. It offers to set goals with an action plan and timeline to accomplish them.

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Strides: This app has four trackers and helps find a tracking method as per personal preferences. With this app, you can customize your habits with notes, reminders, and progress reports. 

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Productive: This app enables you to set weekly challenges and you can stop them whenever you want. It also provides ADHD assistance and educational articles.

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HabitShare: It is a collaborative habit tracker app where you can track progress with your friends and family. You can also select alone mode or share your goals.

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