5 essential habits of great teachers and 5 apps that can help you to become one

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Teachers play a critical role in shaping the minds and lives of their students. To be effective and successful in their profession, here are five essential habits that teachers should cultivate and powerful apps that can turn you into a great teacher:

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Continuous Learning: Great teachers never stop learning. They stay up-to-date with the latest developments in education, subject matter, and teaching methodologies.

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Effective Planning and Organization: Successful teachers plan their lessons thoroughly and are well-organized. They set clear learning objectives, design engaging activities, and try to tailor their methods to meet the needs of individual students.

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Strong Communication: Excellent teachers are skilled communicators. It involves active listening, empathizing with students' concerns, and providing constructive feedback to encourage improvement.

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Adaptability and Flexibility:  They are flexible in their approach, able to adjust lesson plans when necessary, and find creative ways to engage students in the learning process. 

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Reflective Practice: They take time to analyze what worked well and what needs improvement. By examining their successes and failures, they can make informed adjustments to enhance their teaching effectiveness continuously. 

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Here are 5 best apps for those who want to boost their Teaching skills:

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Google Classroom: It is a powerful app that enables teachers to create, distribute, and grade assignments, communicate with students, and manage their classes efficiently.

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Kahoot!: It is an interactive learning platform that allows teachers to create fun and engaging quizzes, surveys, and discussions for their students. 

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Edmodo: Edmodo is a social learning platform that connects teachers, students, and parents. It offers a secure space for teachers to share resources, create quizzes, and manage classroom discussions.

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Remind:  With the help of this app, teachers can send messages, announcements, and updates to individuals or entire classes, fostering effective communication and parental involvement.

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ClassDojo: It is a classroom management app that allows teachers to award points for positive behavior, track students' progress, and communicate with parents. 

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