5 images of galaxies with supermassive black holes captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope

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Know what supermassive black holes look like with their host galaxies. Here, are the images captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

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Experts suggest that we have millions of black holes spread across the universe, however, locating them is one of the toughest tasks.

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There are four types of black holes with different sizes and properties. However, supermassive black holes are the most dangerous kind.

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The NASA Hubble space telescope captures these 5 images of galaxies with their supermassive black holes.

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The galaxy SDSS J1354+1327 consists of a supermassive black hole which was captured when it was blowing huge bubbles of hot and bright gas.

Photo Credit: NASA

NGC 5548: This galaxy was spotted with a supermassive black hole showcasing strange activities. However, it was an understanding to researchers about how black holes interact with host galaxies.

Photo Credit: NASA

Markarian 231: This is the host galaxy of two supermassive black holes.

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Markarian 817: This galaxy consists of a monster black hole which is releasing blasting material into space at over 14 million kilometres per hour

Photo Credit: NASA

Galaxy NGC 4438: This galaxy also consists of a supermassive black hole blowing hot gas into space.

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