5 latest images of supernova, stars, and others captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope
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Check out the unseen and rarer images of stars, galaxies, and other objects captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
NASA James Webb Space Telescope is the newest yet most powerful space observatory.
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The telescope consists of powerful instruments and technologies which enhance its range to study space and our entire universe.
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Here are 5 unseen images of supernovas, stars, and other space objects captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.
Photo Credit: NASA
WR 124: It is a rare Wolf-Rayet star which was captured with the combined efforts of Chandra, Webbs telescope, Hersche, Spitzer, and WISE observatories.
Photo Credit: NASA
SN 1987A: This is the image of supernova SN 1987A which is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Photo Credit: NASA
Messier 106: This is one of the brightest and nearest spiral galaxies with an active black hole in the centre.
Photo Credit: NASA
Galaxy Messier 82: It is a starburst galaxy located 12 million light-years away from Earth. Studying M82 could help scientists study different phases of star formation.
Photo Credit: NASA
Horsehead Nebula: This nebula is a perfect example for studying how radiation from stars interacts with interstellar matter.