5 secrets of the solar system that are still hidden

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Do you know there are various questions that are unanswered about the Universe? Forget the Universe, there are a number of secrets about our very own solar system that are still hidden. We can only guess about them and not perceive them directly. Know about the 5 mysteries that even scientists couldn’t unravel.

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Dark Matter:  What is dark matter? Dark matter makes up most of the mass of galaxies and is responsible for the way they are organized. Some 27% of the Universe consists of dark matter. 

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Dark matter does not absorb, reflect or emit light, making it extremely hard to spot. In fact, researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. 

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Size of the Universe: Scientists are not able to figure out the size of the Universe.

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To know the size of the Universe, scientists need to know about the shape and rate of expansion of the Universe. But, that has not been figured out yet.

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Shape of the Universe: According to NASA,  the universe is flat. Observations imply that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. If so, this strongly suggests that the universe is geometrically "flat". 

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However, apart from flat, there are 2 other theories. One says Universe is shaped like a saddle and the other says it is like a sphere.

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NASA also admits, “All we can truly conclude is that the universe is much larger than the volume we can directly observe.”

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Formation of Moon: The moon’s gravitational pull is responsible for the rise and fall of the ocean tides, but how did the moon form is still unknown.

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Various theories exist but none of them are close to being proven. One of them is the giant-impact theory. It proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet.

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Existence of Aliens: Scientists have theorized that there are strong chances that aliens exist outside of Earth.  However, we have zero scientific evidence for the existence of aliens

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