5 stunning images of galaxies, stars, and others captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam

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Check out these stunning images captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope consists of a powerful instrument called a Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam).

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Over the years, the NIRCam instrument has contributed to several groundbreaking discoveries.

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Now, check out these 5 amazing images of galaxies and stars captured with the help of the James Webb NIRCam instrument.

Photo Credit: NASA

Galaxies Arp 142: This spiral galaxy is speculated to born 100 to 200 stars per year. The galaxy is located about 326 million light-years from Earth.

Photo Credit: NASA

Pillars of Creation: The Pillars of Creation are located in the vast Eagle Nebula located 6500 light-years away.

Photo Credit: NASA

Galaxy NGC 1559: This galaxy is located 35 million light-years away from Earth. The NIRCam was able to capture the light from the young stars.

Photo Credit: NASA

Star Cluster IC 348: This star cluster consists of  three brown dwarfs which are less than eight times the mass of Jupiter

Photo Credit: NASA

Galaxy cluster WHL0137-08: This Galaxy Cluster consists of some of the oldest galaxies that formed after the Big Bang.

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