5 stunning images of space discoveries captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope

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Know about these 5 stunning discoveries made by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.

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Our space is filled with several objects and entities are still a mystery and yet to be discovered.

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Over the years, telescopes and spacecraft have revealed several unknown facts, but we are also in search of advanced technologies to study space.

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However, NASA James Webb Space Telescope is one such powerful observatory which has been a part of several unique discoveries. Check out these 5 images of space.

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This Webb image showcases quasar RX J1131-1231 located 6 billion light-years away from Earth.

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Webb’s NIRCam instrument captured the inner Orion Nebula and Trapezium Cluster which is spread across 4 light years.

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James Webb's Telescope was able to capture near-infrared observations of the planet Saturn which helped scientists study its orbital characteristics.

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This image showcases supernovae SN 1987A located 168,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Photo Credit: NASA

This image showcases Galaxy Pair VV 191 captured by James Webb as well as the Hubble Space Telescope.

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