5 stunning images of spiral galaxies captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope

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Here’s what the distant spiral galaxies look like, check out the images captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

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Did you know? Spiral Galaxies' rotating speed is fast as it takes speeds of hundreds of kilometres per second.

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Spiral galaxies mostly contain black holes at the centre due to their strong gravitational pull. In our universe, 20% of all galaxies are filled with spiral galaxies.

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Check out these 5 mesmerising spiral galaxy images captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: NASA

This image showcases the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300 located about  65 million light-years away from the Earth.

Photo Credit: NASA

This Hubble image showcases Messier 106 which is a nearby spiral galaxy located over 20 million light-years away.

Photo Credit: NASA

This is another barred spiral galaxy NGC 6217 captured by Hubble’s  Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) instrument.

Photo Credit: NASA

The image showcases NGC4826, a spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Coma Berenices, about 17 million light-years away.

Photo Credit: NASA

This spiral galaxy is designated as  NGC 6984 which was first captured in 2013. This galaxy contains a double supernova.

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