3 Apple CEO Tim Cook quotes to power your performance
Photo Credit: AFP Tim Cook is not only known as the Apple CEO, but also for his amazing insight and ability to inspire people to highest levels of potential and success.
Photo Credit: reuters Here are 3 Tim Cook quotes you can profit from-these are the traits that he looks in prospective employees
Photo Credit: reuters That also means, if you adopt these traits then you too would be looking at a very successful career and a dream job.
Photo Credit: reuters "We look for people that are very collaborative because nobody — even somebody who has … a cape on their back — can do everything alone.” (CNBC)
Photo Credit: reuters "We look for people that think different - that can look at a problem and not be caught up in the dogma of how that problem has been solved." (CNBC)
Photo Credit: reuters “It’s a cliche, but there are no dumb questions. It’s amazing when somebody starts to ask questions as a kid would do.” (CNBC)
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