Apple iOS 17 Beta 2 unveiled; Check what this latest update brings for users

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At WWDC, Apple showcased exciting new features for iOS 17. Now, with the release of beta 2, more enhancements have been added.

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Developer Beta Only: iOS 17 beta 2 is exclusively available for developers to test their apps and optimise them. The public beta is expected to arrive in mid-July. The actual launch will be sometime in Sept.

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New Features Overview: Let's explore the additions in iOS 17 beta 2 that enhance iPhone users' experience and functionality.

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Update Screen Enhancements: The update screen provides detailed information and helpful tips. Back up your data before updating and join the beta program for a smooth experience.

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App-Specific Tips: Apple-designed apps now offer app-specific tips for efficient usage. Find these helpful suggestions at the bottom of the screen.

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MicroLocation Mystery: Discover a new option called 'MicroLocation' in the System settings section. Apple has kept its functionality under wraps.

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Check-In Update: The Check-in feature in Messages settings received a minor update. The terminology for data options has been simplified for easier understanding.

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Stable Music Experience: In beta 1, the Music App crashed with Crossfade activated. In beta 2, this issue has been resolved. Customise crossfade duration between 1-12 seconds.

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StandBy Notification Control: Users can now turn off non-critical notifications during standby mode while important ones will still be delivered.

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