ChatGPT on your mind, but don't know where to start? Check out 5 things you can do
Photo Credit: Pexels We are being bombarded about all things AI and have been struggling to keep up. If you are someone who is fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence and want to know what to do with its most famous avatar, ChatGPT, but dont know what to do with it, then just read on. Here are 5 top things you can do:
Photo Credit: Pexels 1. Scan Images: It can actually read the image you want and describe it in detail. All you have to do is insert the image or image link into ChatGPT frame.
Photo Credit: Pixabay 2. Quick Summary: You can simply ask ChatGPT to summarize any article that you find is too long and you don't have the time or the inclination to read. Of course, do remember that ChatGPT can get things wrong too! So you will have to trust it or you could verify it.
Photo Credit: Pexels 3. Teach: If you are fond of learning and want to pick up new things, then ask ChatGPT to teach you whatever you want. Literally, it can teach you anything you desire.
Photo Credit: Pexels 4. Health and fitness: You can ask ChatGPT to create a fitness schedule for you or even a healthy menu that you could follow.
Photo Credit: Pexels 5. Write Like You: Everyone has a certain style and pet phrases that they use while writing. Well, you can get ChatGPT to write exactly like you do. All you have to do is give it a few samples of your writing.
Photo Credit: Pexels Of course, it does not end with just these 5, You can ask ChatGPT to get you a job, compose emails, even write code, learn new languages or tell a joke. The possibilities are only limited by your thought processes. So, if you can think of a question, ChatGPT can provide an answer for it.
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