How and when to watch a meteor shower-Quadrantids, Geminids, Lyrids to Perseids, check list (Pixabay
Meteor showers are some of the most exciting and most frequent happenings in the sky. Quadrantids, Lyrids, Perseids, Orionids, Leonids to Geminids, they are there virtually round the year. (Unsplash)
While you can always watch the Live streams on NASA and other places online, or even through the telescopes, there is nothing like watching it outdoors through the naked eyes lying flat on your back. (Unsplash)
NASA has some tips though. It says, "Do bring your blankets, a sleeping bag, and a thermos of something warm to drink. Hot chocolate, perhaps?" (Unsplash)
You have to let your eyes relax. Do not look at any specific spot in the sky. This will acclimatise your eyes and they will more likely notice any movements in the sky. This way you will simply increase your chances of seeing more meteors. (unsplash)
Time is not important. Why? Because you might see a meteor as often as every few minutes or not for hours. (Unsplash)
It will depend on the specific meteor shower, the time you are observing, the conditions of the sky and other things. Also, if the moon is full or near full, you may not see many meteors. (Unsplash)
So, how to make sure you get a good show to watch? Well, like with everything else, plan ahead: (Unsplash)
Check out the dates of major meteor showers. Some years are better than others for numbers of meteors per hour that can be seen. (Unsplash)
1. Quadrantids in December/January; 2. Lyrids in April; 3. Perseids in August; 4. Orionids in October; 5. Leonids in November; and 6. Geminids in December. (Unsplash)
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