Is GMAT exam on your to-do list? Prepare for it thoroughly with these 5 apps

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If you dream of studying at Universities like Harvard and Yale, you need to clear the GMAT exam. And if that is on your agenda, you should take the help of some preparatory apps. 

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Getting a good GMAT score is necessary to get admission to top business schools across the world. To prepare strategically, try out these 5 apps:

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Manhattan Prep GMAT: This is one of the top apps to prepare for GMAT. With this app, you will be getting practice questions, performance analytics, and interactive lessons. This app consists of 1,100 plus prep questions with explanations, 15+ MBA prep test practice quizzes, and much more.

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GMAT Math Flashcards: If you feel stuck while solving Math problems, this app can really help you.This app helps you work on math formulas and solve GMAT questions with free flashcards to boost your quantitative skills.

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GMAT Club Forum: This app can help you interact with fellow GMAT aspirants to improve your understanding of this exam.

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The app consists of a vast collection of practice questions, expert explanations, and a supportive community of test-takers. 

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Official GMAT Prep App: This app for GMAT preparation is powered by BenchPrep.

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With this app, students will get access to real GMAT practice questions from past exams, custom practice sets, and the same scoring algorithm as the real GMAT exam. 

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Magoosh GMAT Prep & Practice: This is a renowned app to prepare for GMAT exams. It has detailed courses to prepare for the GMAT.

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If you need video lessons, practice questions, and performance tracking to help you improve your scores, Magoosh can be your go-to app.

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