NASA captures stunning image of NGC 1672, the Galaxy of ‘many lights’

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NGC 1672 is situated 49 million light-years away from Earth in the Dorado constellation.

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The galaxy showcases beautiful "celestial lights" across its vast expanse.

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Other galaxies captured by Hubble include the face-on spiral IC 5332.

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NGC 2814 is an irregular galaxy located approximately 85 million light-years from Earth.

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UGC 12295 lies about 192 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces

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UGC 678 is positioned around 260 million light-years from Earth.

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NGC 685, a galaxy in the constellation Eridanus, is situated about 58 million light-years away.

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The spiral galaxy NGC 5068 is located roughly 20 million light-years from Earth.

NGC 1087 is found 80 million light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

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