Space Weather impact on Aviation: Solar storms can cause Cancer
Photo Credit: NOAA Space Weather affects people when they are flying in airplanes as they get hit by harmful X-Rays from solar flares. In fact, a powerful solar storm can boost radiation levels 100-fold!
Photo Credit: NOAA Astronauts are not the only ones who need to worry about space weather like solar flares; ordinary air travellers can also be exposed to significant doses of radiation during solar storms, according to Science At NASA.
Photo Credit: NOAA As per FAA, it has classified pilots as "occupational radiation workers." Flying high above Earth with little atmosphere to protect them, they can absorb significant doses of cosmic rays and solar radiation.
Photo Credit: NOAA During a typical polar flight from Chicago to Beijing, a pilot is exposed to the equivalent of two chest x-rays.
Photo Credit: NOAA This exposure can cause problems such as increased risk of cancer and possibly cataracts.
Photo Credit: NOAA According to Chris Mertens, a senior research scientist at NASA Langley Research Center "A 100,000-mile frequent flyer gets about 20 chest X-Rays, This is true regardless of the latitude of the flights."
Photo Credit: NASA NASA’s new computer model is now aiming to help protect the public by predicting space weather hazards to aviation.
Photo Credit: NASA Mertens is the Principal Investigator of the system Known as NAIRAS which stands for "Nowcast of Atmosphere Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety."
Photo Credit: NASA As per NASA the day when Sun is quiet, dose rates for international flights over the North Pole are 3 to 5 times higher than domestic flights closer to the equator.
Photo Credit: NASA Nowadays, airlines prefer going over the North Pole as the flights are shorter and this saves them $35,000-$40,000 per flight.
Photo Credit: NASA NOAA keeps a watch on the impact of space weather and warns People to be alert and take action where possible.
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