Twitch introduces Instagram-like Stories feature; Know all about it
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The live streaming platform Twitch has introduced a new feature that is similar to Instagram's Stories. Know what is the new feature about.
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The live streaming platform is integrating story features into its mobile app so streamers can connect with their audience at any time.
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Stories feature will allow streamers to add images, texts and live-stream clips to their story. It works similarly to what Instagram and Snapchat provide in their stories.
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This will help streamers post small updates on the platform when they are not live streaming.
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However, Twitch stories come with eligibility criteria in which partners and affiliates must have streamed for at least 45 minutes in the last 30 days.
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In other social media platforms, stories automatically disappear in 24 hours, however, in Twitch the story will be visible for 48 hours.
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Streamers with a minimum of 30 subscribers have the privilege to share exclusive stories with their subscriber base.
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The Twitch stories feature will gradually roll out this week for eligible users and they will be able to post snippets of their life through this new feature.
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Twitch is looking to expand its story features by adding features such as polling, tagging, and editing capabilities.
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The feature also includes “automated scanning measures” to avoid uploading any kind of harmful content that does not comply with the Twitch app’s guidelines.
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Furthermore, viewers will also be able to react to stories.