Want to ace your school and college exams? Here are 5 apps and 5 tips that can help

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 Have you ever wondered how toppers manage their studies and schedule? Here are 5 tips and apps that will help you to ace your school and college exams.

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Be an active learner: Toppers are often active learners. They listen, practice, make notes and seek assistance whenever they need it. They don't shy away from asking if in doubt.

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Manage time effectively: Toppers are great for time management. They effectively prioritize their daily tasks and manage their time as per their schedule.

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Focus on concepts Toppers focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly instead of just memorizing them. They gain knowledge to help them study better.

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Prepare notes Preparing and organizing notes is an effective way to understand the concepts. You can always revisit notes during revision. 

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Stay positive: To become a good student. You must stay positive and Know how to motivate yourself from time to time. Set realistic goals throughout the journey to stay motivated.

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Evernote app This app helps manage your notes in any form. With this, you can also create a to-do list and connect it with Google Calendar for reminders.

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Office Lens app: Sometimes we often miss classes, and during those times office lenses can come to the rescue in scanning notes. You can also click images from different sources like documents, whiteboards, and business cards.

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Microsoft To-Do app: This is a helpful to-do list management app in which you can note down your daily tasks priority wise

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myHomework Student Planner app: This app enables you to store homework and class schedules. You write your class name and also choose the type of homework such as study, labs, projects and more.

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myHomework Student Planner app: This app enables you to store homework and class schedules. You write your class name and also choose the type of homework such as study, labs, projects and more.

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