Prepararing for NEET PG 2024 exam? Try these 5 apps to prepare well and excel

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Are you preparing for NEET PG 2024 exam, but finding it difficult? These 5 apps can help you, not only prepare, but also clear the exam with flying colors.

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Pre-PG app: This is a popular app among students who are preparing for the NEET PG entrance exam.

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The Foremost advantage of this app is that it provides a Free Daily NEET PG Test Series and  75,000+ MCQs from various tests, including NBE-administered NEET PG and other medical PG exams.

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Meriters PGPrep: This is also a well-known app for aspiring doctors. Its features include a) 48,000+ Highly selected MCQs relevant for NEET PG, INI-CET, FMGE, and more. It provides only repeated and high-yield MCQs, Various Concept builders, and detailed explanations with videos.

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PW MedEd: With this app, students can get comprehensive study materials, practice questions, mock tests, and expert guidance to help them excel in their medical entrance exams.

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It gives access to over 800 hours of top-quality video content from India's top faculties who provide integrated concept-based learning along with that you can get over 200 tests to track your progress.

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PrepLadder: It offers a vast question bank, subject-wise tests, and mock exams to simulate the real NEET PG experience. 

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With this app, you can analyze your progress at every stage, with a comprehensive real-time report and achieve your target score.

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DAMS eMedicoz: The DAMS (Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences) app is known for its comprehensive study material and coaching programs. 

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Students can access thousands of free teaching medical education videos arranged subjectwise in this app.

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