Experience the Geminids meteor shower - the must-see celestial event of 2023!
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Get ready for a celestial spectacle! The Geminids meteor shower, the best of 2023, is peaking this week. Skygazers are in for a treat as the night sky will be lit up by streaks left by meteors.
Photo Credit: NASA
What Are the Geminids?: The Geminids get their name from the Gemini constellation, the Twins. Keep your eyes peeled as meteors will seem to come from a spot near the bright star Castor in Gemini.
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The meteors will be at their most dazzling on Thursday, but don't worry if you missed Wednesday night- there was still a cosmic spectacle to enjoy.
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Timing: This week, a new moon will provide prime viewing conditions. Whether you're in a city or under clear skies, this is your chance to witness the Geminids meteor shower in all its glory.
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Where to Look?: NASA advises observers to scan the entire sky because meteors can appear from any direction. Be prepared to witness between 60 and 120 meteors per hour at peak time, weather permitting.
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Colours of the Geminids: Marvel at the greenish hue of the Geminids as they race across the sky. Unlike most meteors, which are colourless or white, these gems get their green colour from oxygen, magnesium, and nickel.
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Origin: Unlike other meteor showers that come from comets, the Geminids originate from the sun-orbiting asteroid 3200 Phaethon.
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Even though they come from a different source, they still create a spectacular show when Earth passes through their remnants.
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Expert Insight: NASA meteoroid expert Bill Cooke shares his fascination with the Geminids' green glow. It's a unique and mesmerising aspect of this meteor shower, AP reported.
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Keep an eye on the weather forecast in your area. Clear skies will enhance the viewing experience, allowing you to witness the Geminids meteor shower at its brightest. Find a comfortable spot away from city lights, lay back, and enjoy the show.