Appearing for UPSC CSE 2024 exam? Try various courses from these 4 apps to prepare
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Have you started preparing for UPSC CSE 2024? If not hurry up and you can take the help of various apps that will help you to prepare for civil services exam properly.
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If you want to take a serious attempt at UPSC CSE 2024, try any of these 4 apps, which provide various courses for the exam:
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Unacademy: You can access various study materials, mock tests, and get thorough guidance through live video lectures on this app for UPSC CSE.
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You can start your preparation for UPSC CSE GS for just Rs. 3139. Please note that this is the basic plan, there are other plans also available.
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VISION IAS: You can get strategic guidance to prepare for UPSC along with study materials, live video lectures, and various mock tests for UPSC CSE 2024.
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If you want to start the online preparation for UPSC CSE, you can get the subscription to Vision IAS course for Rs.140000.
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Drishti IAS: Online app for Drishti coaching center gives you access to UPSC IAS Live Online Classes, Study Materials, and Pendrive video courses.
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The fee structure for the General Studies Foundation course on Drishti IAS app is Rs.150000.
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Vajiram IAS app: With this app, you will be equipped with daily Current Affairs, well-researched news articles by experts, and various study materials.
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To prepare for UPSC CSE 2024, you can buy the 10-month general studies programme online course for Rs.155000.