Miracle clip! A star exploded and NASA captured a time-lapse video; supernova happened 20000 years ago

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In yet another superlative success, NASA has captured a mesmerizing view of an explosive event in space.   

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This time, it has captured more than just a snapshot, it has actually been able to create a time-lapse video and that too of the remnants of a Supernova - a star that exploded 20000 years ago. 

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A time-lapse video created by the Hubble Space Telescope was released by NASA on September 28, 2023.

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The NASA video showcases the aftermath of a supernova, which occurred roughly 20,000 years ago.

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The focus of the time-lapse is a segment of the Cygnus Loop, a nebula formed from the remnants of a supernova.

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Nebulas like the Cygnus Loop consist of dust and gas created from the remnants of exploded stars.

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These nebulas can serve as "stellar nurseries," where old star materials come together to form new stars.

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The supernova that created the Cygnus Loop's remnants exploded around 20,000 years ago.

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Despite the ancient event, people in 2023 can watch the timelapse video courtesy NASA and witness the remnants expanding into space at incredible speeds

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The Cygnus Loop appears as a bubble-like structure, with a diameter of approximately 120 light-years.

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Images taken between 2001 and 2020 by the Hubble Space Telescope reveal how the supernova remnant's front part has expanded over time, helping astronomers measure its speed.

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