NASA claims aircraft-sized asteroid to come as close as 1.3 million km to Earth
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Asteroids are mostly located in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in our solar system.
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However, their orbits bring them close to Earth on some occasions, potentially raising the possibility of impact.
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These close calls with asteroids highlight the importance of continued technological development in asteroid detection and monitoring programs such as NASA’s DART test.
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With the help of its ground and space-based telescopes, NASA has tracked an asteroid whose orbit will bring it very close to Earth today, April 17.
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As per the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, an asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2024 GM1, is set to pass Earth.
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This near-Earth space rock is expected to pass Earth today at a close distance of just 1.3 million kilometres.
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It is already hurtling in its orbit at a speed of about 37391 kilometres per hour, which is much faster than Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)!
Photo Credit: Pixabay
In terms of size, Asteroid 2024 GM1 is nearly 90 feet wide, which makes it almost as big as an aircraft!