Shukrayaan-1 mission: As ISRO gets spacecraft ready, know who has been to Venus before

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The Indian space agency, ISRO, is planning its first mission to Venus, Shukrayaan-1 mission. This mission will involve a spacecraft orbiting Venus to study its surface and atmosphere.

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Shukrayaan-1 mission's primary objective is to deploy a spacecraft that will orbit Venus and delve into the mysteries concealed beneath the planet's searing surface and sulfuric acid clouds.

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Currently, Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft is also orbiting Venus, contributing to our understanding of the planet.

Photo Credit: NASA

In 1962, NASA's Mariner 2 became the first spacecraft to venture beyond Earth and pass by Venus, revealing invaluable data about the planet's unique climate.

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Understanding Venus' climate is crucial as it could shed light on climate-related challenges faced by Earth.

Photo Credit: NASA

Exploring Venus is incredibly challenging due to its extreme conditions. The surface temperature averages 863 degrees Fahrenheit (462 degrees Celsius) and the air pressure is 92 times that of Earth.

Photo Credit: NASA

The Soviet Union's Venera 13 probe holds the record for the longest survival on Venus' surface, exceeding two hours in 1981.

Photo Credit: NASA

Upcoming Venus Missions: NASA's DAVINCI mission, planned for 2031, will focus on atmospheric descent, with hopes of collecting precious surface data. NASA's VERITAS and ESA's EnVision are set to conduct orbital observations in the 2030s.

Photo Credit: NASA

As Shukrayaan-1 mission spacecraft joins the ranks of Venus explorers, it opens the door to unraveling the secrets of our neighboring planet and contributing to the broader understanding of our solar system.

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