Tips to get free data vouchers from Jio, data loans from Airtel for urgent needs

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With the rise of accessible 4G data in India, mobile data consumption has skyrocketed, reaching an average of 24.1 GB per month for users in 2023, according to the latest Nokia MBiT Index Report.

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Running Out of Data?: Many users often find themselves running out of data, especially with daily limit data plans offered by most telecom providers. However, there are ways to overcome this hurdle without immediate recharges.

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Free Data with Jio: While Jio previously offered emergency data vouchers for prepaid users, this service has been discontinued. Nevertheless, there's still a way to score free data through the MyJio app.

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MyJio App Trick: By navigating to the Play&Win section in the MyJio app, users can participate in simple games and quizzes. Winning these games can reward you with data vouchers, ranging up to 6 GB, at no cost.

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Terms and Conditions: It's important to note that participating in these games requires sharing personal details like name, phone number, and email ID. These details may be shared with partners. Various games in the MyJio app currently offer these free 4G data vouchers.

Photo Credit: Airtel

Airtel Data Loan: Airtel offers a data loan service for both 2G and 4G users. Unlike Jio, this service is still active and available to users in need.

Photo Credit: Airtel

How to Get Airtel Data Loan: To obtain a data loan from Airtel, users can either call '52141' or dial '5673#'. This service provides a 1 GB data loan with a validity of two days.

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Eligibility and Conditions: This data loan service is exclusively for customers who have been with Airtel for a minimum of three months. Upon recharging your number with a new data pack, Airtel will deduct 1 GB from it. 

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These tricks can be lifesavers when you urgently need data but are unable to recharge your number. Whether it's through Jio's app games or Airtel's data loan service, there are ways to stay connected even in challenging situations.

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