5 mesmerising star birth images captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope

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Know how star formation and birth take place and new findings from NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

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Did you know? Stars are formed when molecular clouds consisting of gas and dust collide with each other.

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These molecular clouds form high-density pockets and collect more matter which increases their gravitational force, causing them to have high friction to form a protostar.

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Check out these stunning star birth images captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: NASA

Nebula NGC 2014: This is a vast star-forming region located approximately 163000 light-years away.

Photo Credit: NASA

Stellar cradle: This image showcases protostellar object OH 339.88-1.26 which consists of massive protostars.

Photo Credit: NASA

Cosmic caterpillar: This image showcases IRAS 20324+4057, which is a protostar which us currently in the evolution stage to become a fully grown star.

Photo Credit: NASA

AFGL 5180: This space object is a stellar nursery or we can say a star-forming region showcasing newborn stars at the heart.

Photo Credit: NASA

Nebula LHA 120-N 51: This image showcases another star-forming region consisting of young stars.

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