5 stunning star formation images captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Check these breathtaking images of star formation captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Did you know? Stars are made up of 74% hydrogen and 25% helium which was created during the Big Bang.

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Stars also have a well-defined life cycle from birth to death in a very massive form.

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Check out these mesmerising star formation images captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: NASA

Westerlund 1: It is an open cluster located 12000 light-years away from Earth and it is the home to a “dense, and diverse population of massive stars.”

Photo Credit: NASA

Arp 220: This is the image of two spiral galaxies in a merging process and showcasing bursts of star formation.

Photo Credit: NASA

NGC 346: This is the image of the dynamic star-forming region located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC).

Photo Credit: NASA

Tarantula Nebula: This image showcases the central star cluster of the nebula which showcases faded hot stars.

Photo Credit: NASA

NGC 604: This star-forming region is the home to more than 200 of the hottest stars.

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