7 stunning images of merging galaxies captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope
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Here are some facts about merging galaxies and images captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.
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Did you know? Galaxy mergers can result in the creation of new stars, rings of material, and active galactic nuclei.
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During the merger, a large-sized galaxy stays intact however, the smaller galaxy gets absorbed by the bigger galaxy.
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Check out these 5 images of merging galaxies captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.
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This merging galaxy pair is known as II ZW 96 which is located 500 million light-years from Earth.
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This Webb image showcases two galaxies in IC 1623 currently in the process of merger. The merger is causing massive star formation which is known as starburst.
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This image depicts merging galaxies IC 1623 A and B, this is a new observation made by the James Webb Space Telescope.
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This Webb image captures IC 2163 and NGC 2207 interaction which is causing active star formation.
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This pair of galaxies are known as Arp 142 forming a Penguin-like structure due to the interaction.
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This image showcases galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154 with two distant, interacting galaxies causing active star formation.
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The Webb image captured a grouping of five galaxies famously known as Stephan’s Quintet.