Aditya-L1 mission: Will the ISRO spacecraft be burnt by the Sun?
Photo Credit: ISRO
The Aditya-L1 mission spacecraft is en route to explore the Sun, and it's travelling at eye-popping speed in its journey. This satellite-based mission will provide vital data for further solar research.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Key Question: A pressing question looms – will Aditya-L1 spacecraft survive its close encounter with the Sun?
Photo Credit: ISRO
The MLI consists of layers of aluminized mylar, a thin, reflective material, with an added protective coating to withstand the harsh space environment.
Photo Credit: ISRO/Twitter
Strategic Location: This point is about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth and 148.5 million kilometers from the Sun, providing a unique vantage point for solar observation.
Photo Credit: ISRO
Aditya-L1's survival secret lies in a specialized material called Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI). It acts as a heat shield, reflecting most of the Sun's heat and keeping the spacecraft at an operational temperature.
Photo Credit: ISRO
The MLI consists of layers of aluminized mylar, a thin, reflective material, with an added protective coating to withstand the harsh space environment.
Photo Credit: ISRO
The Importance of the L1 Point: Aditya-L1's positioning at the L1 point ensures uninterrupted monitoring of the Sun. This enables real-time observations of solar activities by ISRO and their impact on space weather.