NASA Hubble Space Telescope captured 5 mesmerising star cluster images
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Check out these 5 globular star cluster images captured by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.
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In space, there are two types of star clusters one is a globular cluster and the other is an open cluster.
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The globular cluster consists of tens of thousands to millions of stars and they are most aged between 11 to 13 billion years.
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Whereas, an open cluster consists of 10–1,000 stars and they are quite young in age. Check out these star cluster images by NASA Hubble Space Telescope.
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This image showcases globular cluster NGC 6441 located 13000 light-years from the Milky Way’s galactic centre.
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This Hubble image showcases the first globular cluster Messier 54 located outside our galaxy.
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This is NGC 1466, a globular cluster which has a mass equivalent to roughly 140000 Suns and is 13.1 billion years old.
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This Hubble image captures thousands of globular clusters with its Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS).
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This is a star-forming region located 210,000 light-years away in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC).