NASA James Webb Space Telescope shares stunning views of distinct galaxies- Details

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Check these recent images of distinct galaxies captured by NASA James Webb Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The NASA James Webb Space Telescope is placed at the Lagrange point 2 which is a gravitationally stable location in space to conduct studies.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Over the years, the James Webb Space Telescope has provided groundbreaking discoveries which help us understand the evolution of our solar system and universe.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Here are some of the recent findings and images captured by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

Photo Credit: NASA

M82: This galaxy is located located 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major and is the host for several newborn stars.

Photo Credit: NASA

NGC 5468: This galaxy is located 130 million light-years from Earth and the image is the contribution of both Hubble and James Webb space telescopes.

Photo Credit: NASA

NGC 604: It is a star-forming region in the Triangulum galaxy (M33) located 2.73 million light-years away from Earth.

Photo Credit: NASA

NGC 2835: This image showcases the capture from the Hubble and James Webb telescope.

Photo Credit: NASA

Distant Galaxies: This image showcases the shapes of hundreds of distant galaxies captured by Webb’s telescope.

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