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Surprise! Apple iPhone 11 is the most-in use phone in the world, says MOVR report

In yet another surprise, the Apple iPhone 11 has maintained its reign at the top, globally. Insights from the MOVR Q2 2023 report reveal intriguing patterns in device usage and adoption.

Updated on: Aug 17 2023, 11:08 IST
Apple iPhone 11 remains a global favorite, defying age with continued dominance. (Unsplash )

In the fast-evolving landscape of smartphones, innovation drives competition as companies strive to unveil devices with cutting-edge features. In the realm of impressive releases, the Apple iPhone 11 stands out as a time-tested and favourite phone of users worldwide. The iPhone 11 has maintained its title as the world's best-selling smartphone, even after four years. Remarkably, 15 out of the top 21 smartphones sold in Q2 2023 were iPhones, cementing Apple's dominance across major global regions.

The iPhone 11's stranglehold on the market is evident, as a report claims it has a remarkable 4.88% of total global smartphone usage, reflecting user satisfaction and a prolonged device lifecycle, Dazeinfo reported.

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Age Patterns in Smartphone Usage

The lifespan of smartphones varies due to a blend of factors including technological advancements, personal preferences, and financial situations. The Mobile Overview Report (MOVR) for Q2 2023 showcases intriguing insights into these dynamics.

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During this quarter, the median smartphone age surpassed 24 months, indicating that users tend to retain their devices for over two years before contemplating an upgrade. Notably, the 25 to 36 months range captures the majority, constituting 23.6% of smartphone usage. This points to a sizable user segment that clings to their phones for around two to three years, while the 13 to 24 months bracket also commands a significant share at 23.5%. In total, nearly half of global smartphone usage spans two to three years.

Diverging Upgrade Habits: iPhone vs. Android

Comparing upgrade behaviors between iPhone and Android users reveals a captivating narrative. iPhone enthusiasts exhibit intriguing patterns, with some readily embracing new technology as early adopters, constituting 14.7% of usage within the first year of release—more than double the proportion among Android users.

Conversely, a cohort of steadfast iPhone "loyalists" stand out, maintaining their devices for over five years. Around 12% of iPhones globally remain in active use for more than 60 months, compared to Android's 8.7%. The presence of iPhones in this prolonged usage category could underscore the robust demand for refurbished devices in the secondary market.

Android users follow a different trajectory, with the largest segment—26.4%—actively using their devices for two to three years. In contrast, the majority of iPhone usage (24.1%) falls within one to two years. This suggests a trend where Android users tend to retain devices longer, while iPhone users lean toward quicker upgrades.

iPhone Trade-in and Resale Value

The apparent paradox of iPhone users upgrading rapidly despite their loyalty stems from the iPhone trade-in program. Enabling users to swap their old models for new ones with incentives fosters ongoing technology adoption and sustainable device cycles. The popularity of this program aligns with the brisk upgrade pattern observed among iPhone users.

Furthermore, iPhones' robust resale value contributes to this phenomenon. Their higher resale value compared to many Android counterparts incentivizes users to trade up, offsetting costs and motivating early adoption of Apple's latest offerings.

In short, In a dynamic smartphone landscape, the Apple iPhone 11's remarkable staying power and the diverse upgrade tendencies between iPhone and Android users reveal a multifaceted ecosystem driven by evolving technologies, user preferences, and trade-in incentives.

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First Published Date: 17 Aug, 10:54 IST


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