Latest Nexus android trojan targets 450 apps; here is how to identify & stay safe | How-to

Latest Nexus android trojan targets 450 apps; here is how to identify & stay safe

A new android banking trojan named Nexus has been identified which is targeting 450 financial and banking apps. Here is all you need to know.

| Updated on: Mar 25 2023, 14:50 IST
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Here is how you can stay safe from cybercrime. (Unsplash)

Cybercrime is on the rise all over the world. Criminals are coming up with new ways to loot people online. And now a new android banking trojan which is capable of targeting 450 different banking and financial apps is being used to steal people's hard earned money. According to a blog post by Cyble, Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) recently discovered an advertisement on a Russian cybercrime forum for an Android banking trojan called Nexus, offered by a Threat Actor (TA). "According to the TA, the malware is a new project continuously developed and compatible with Android versions up to 13," the blog post informed.

Meanwhile, according to a report by Cleafy, on January 2023, a new Android banking trojan appeared on multiple hacking forums under the name of Nexus. Nexus appears to be in its early stages of development (BETA), however, multiple campaigns active worldwide confirm that multiple TAs are already using this thread to conduct fraudulent campaigns.

"Nexus provides all the main features to perform ATO attacks (Account Takeover) against banking portals and cryptocurrency services, such as credentials stealing and SMS interception. It also provides a built-in list of injections against 450 financial applications," Cleafy informed. Nexus also contains some relations with the SOVA banking trojan.

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Cyble has informed of the ways how you can identify if you are infected and how to prevent malware infection. Here is all you need to know.

You can identify whether you are infected by regularly checking the Mobile/Wi-Fi data usage of applications installed in mobile devices. Also, keep an eye on the alerts provided by Anti-viruses and Android OS. In case of getting affected by the trojan, you can perform factory reset, uninstall the app in which the malware has been found.

How to prevent malware infection

Step 1:

Download and install apps only from Google Play Store or the iOS App Store.

Step 2:

Use a reputed anti-virus and internet security software package on your connected devices.

Step 3:

Use strong passwords and enable biometric security features.

Step 4:

Do not click on any links received via SMS or emails.

Step 5:

Be careful while giving any permissions to the apps installed in your device.

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First Published Date: 25 Mar, 14:50 IST