Quordle 658 answer for November 13: Easy winnings! Just check hints, clues | How-to

Quordle 658 answer for November 13: Easy winnings! Just check hints, clues

Quordle 658 answer for November 13: The puzzle can be solved easily! If you’re stuck, then check hints, and clues for Quordle 658 here.

| Updated on: Nov 13 2023, 20:31 IST
Quordle players can take the help of hints, and clues. Know details. (Quordle)

Quordle 658 answer for November 13: If you're a Quordle player, then you must've come across extremely difficult puzzles recently, with words such as SNARL, FETID, DIRGE, and SPECK being the Quordle solutions. Luckily, that isn't the case today, and there will be no Monday blues, at least for Quordle players! That said, two of the words can be head-scratchers and aren't often used in everyday conversations. So, if you encounter any difficulties along the way, we suggest refraining from spoiling your attempts. Instead, refer to the Quordle hints and clues provided below. Moreover, we have included the answers to today's puzzle at the bottom to make sure you save your winning streak.

Quordle 658 hints for November 13

This time around, three of the words contain repeated letters, making the guessing game a bit more tricky! Moreover, all of them feature at least one vowel. These can significantly hinder your intent to solve the puzzle with minimal attempts. In fact, it may consume nearly all nine attempts! Fortunately, these words won't seem unfamiliar to you, but solving them could pose a challenge.

Begin by concentrating on simpler words to save your attempts. However, to make sure you don't break your Quordle winning streak, just check the clues below.

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Quordle 658 clues for November 13

1. Today's words begin with the letters S, A, S, and P.

2. The words end with the letters L, W, N, and E.

3. Word 1 clue - the hard protective outer case.

4. Word 2 clue - to permit.

5. Word 3 clue - a soft lustre on a surface.

6. Word 4 clue - person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum.

That's it! We believe these clues are more than sufficient to help you crack the puzzle. So, go ahead and give Quordle 658 a try! If not, simply scroll down to the solutions.

Quordle 658 answer for November 13

SPOILER ALERT! If you are still trying to figure out the answers to today's puzzle, then do not read further.

The four words in today's Quordle are:





We hope you were able to solve the puzzle and save your winning streak. Make sure to check back again tomorrow for more hints and clues.

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First Published Date: 13 Nov, 20:31 IST