Profit over Progress: Elon Musk, Steve Jobs to Jeff Bezos - are they ‘visionaries’? | Opinion

Profit over Progress: Elon Musk, Steve Jobs to Jeff Bezos, are they ‘visionaries’?

Technological innovation has brought fame and huge wealth to the likes of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos.

| Updated on: Jan 01 2024, 16:41 IST
5 asteroids to pass Earth in the coming days; NASA reveals speed, size, and other details
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1/5 NASA has revealed that the orbits of 5 asteroids will bring them close to Earth in the next few days. These asteroids range in size from 53 feet to 130 feet! Know their speed, size, distance of approach, and more, as per the space agency. (Pixabay)
Technological innovation
2/5 Asteroid 2023 YM – The second asteroid on its way is designated Asteroid 2023 YM, and it will pass by Earth tomorrow, December 30. According to NASA, this space rock has a width of nearly 120 feet. Its orbit will take it almost as close as 3.8 million kilometers to the planet’s surface while moving at a speed of 44491 kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
Technological innovation
3/5 Asteroid 2023 XE12 – Another space rock named Asteroid 2023 XE12 will pass Earth on December 31. In terms of size, the asteroid is almost 130 feet wide. As per NASA, it will come as close as 5.6 million kilometers and is already moving at a breakneck speed of 42386 kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
Technological innovation
4/5 Asteroid 2021 AM6 – Asteroid 2021 AM6 will pass by Earth on December 31. During its close approach, it will come as close as 7 million kilometers to the planet’s surface. With a width of 53 feet, the space rock is speeding towards Earth at 23926 kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
Technological innovation
5/5 Asteroid 2023 YR – Another asteroid designated Asteroid 2023 YR will pass Earth on January 2. According to NASA, this 128 feet wide asteroid is travelling at almost 43890 kilometers per hour and will pass the planet at a distance of 1.7 million kilometers. (Pixabay)
Technological innovation
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Technological innovation in the last couple of decades has brought fame and huge wealth to the likes of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. (Reuters)

Technological innovation in the last couple of decades has brought fame and huge wealth to the likes of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. Often feted as geniuses, they are the faces behind the gadgets and media that so many of us depend upon. Sometimes they are controversial. Sometimes the level of their influence is criticised. But they also benefit from a common mythology which elevates their status. That myth is the belief that executive “visionaries” leading vast corporations are the engines which power essential breakthroughs too ambitious or futuristic for sluggish public institutions.

For there are many who consider the private sector to be far better equipped than the public sector to solve major challenges. We see such ideology embodied in ventures like OpenAI. This successful company was founded on the premise that while artificial intelligence is too consequential to be left to corporations alone, the public sector is simply incapable of keeping up.

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The approach is linked to a political philosophy which champions the idea of pioneering entrepreneurs as figureheads who advance civilisation through sheer individual brilliance and determination.

In reality, however, most modern technological building blocks – like car batteries, space rockets, the internet, smart phones, and GPS – emerged from publicly funded research. They were not the inspired work of corporate masters of the universe.

And my work suggests a further disconnect: that the profit motive seen across Silicon Valley (and beyond) frequently impedes innovation rather than improving it.

For example, attempts to profit from the COVID vaccine had a detrimental impact on global access to the medicine. Or consider how recent ventures into space tourism seem to prioritise experiences for extremely wealthy people over less lucrative but more scientifically valuable missions.

More broadly, the thirst for profit means intellectual property restrictions tend to restrict collaboration between (and even within) companies. There is also evidence that short-term shareholder demands distort real innovation in favour of financial reward.

Allowing executives focused on profits to set technological agendas can incur public costs too. It's expensive dealing with the hazardous low-earth orbit debris caused by space tourism, or the complex regulatory negotiations involved in protecting human rights around AI.

So there is a clear tension between the demands of profit and long-term technological progress. And this partly explains why major historical innovations emerged from public sector institutions which are relatively insulated from short-term financial pressures. Market forces alone rarely achieve transformative breakthroughs like space programs or the creation of the internet.

Excessive corporate dominance has other dimming effects. Research scientists seem to dedicate valuable time towards chasing funding influenced by business interests. They are also increasingly incentivised to go into the profitable private sector.

Here those scientists' and engineers' talents may be directed at helping advertisers to better keep hold of our attention. Or they may be tasked with finding ways for corporations to make more money from our personal data.

Projects which might address climate change, public health or global inequality are less likely to be the focus.

Likewise, research suggests that university laboratories are moving towards a “science for profit” model through industry partnerships.

But true scientific innovation needs institutions and people guided by principles that go beyond financial incentives. And fortunately, there are places which support them.

“Open knowledge institutions” and platform cooperatives are focused on innovation for the collective good rather than individual glory. Governments could do much more to support and invest in these kinds of organisations.

If they do, the coming decades could see the development of healthier innovation ecosystems which go beyond corporations and their executive rule. They would create an environment of cooperation rather than competition, for genuine social benefit.

There will still be a place for the quirky “genius” of Musk and Zuckerberg and their fellow Silicon Valley billionaires. But relying on their bloated corporations to design and dominate technological innovation is a mistake.

For real discovery and progress cannot rely on the minds and motives of a few famous men. It involves investing in institutions which are rooted in democracy and sustainability – not just because it is more ethical, but because in the the long term, it will be much more effective. 

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First Published Date: 01 Jan, 16:18 IST