130-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth for a close approach TODAY, says NASA | Tech News

130-foot asteroid hurtling towards Earth for a close approach TODAY, says NASA

NASA has tracked Asteroid 2023 QC8 rushing towards Earth in its orbit for a close approach today, October 5. Know details such as its speed, size, distance of approach, and more.

| Updated on: Oct 05 2023, 12:45 IST
2200-foot asteroid, among 5 asteroids speeding towards Earth; NASA reveals size, speed, and more
1/5 Asteroid 349507 (2008 QY): NASA tracked down this giant 2200-foot wide asteroid. It is as big as the size of a bridge. It will pay a close visit to Earth today, on October 3. Its closest Earth approach is estimated to be 6.32 million kilometers. It is hurtling towards Earth at a speed of 75457 kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
2/5 Asteroid 2023 SN6: As informed by NASA, This asteroid is 130 Feet wide and as big as the size of an aircraft. Its closest approach to Earth is expected to be 4.82 million kilometers per hour. It will reach close to Earth on October 4. It was first observed on September 15. It will be approaching Earth tomorrow, October 4. It relative velocity of approaching towards Earth is 30583 kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
3/5 Asteroid 2023 QC8: This asteroid is as big as the size of an aircraft. It is 130 Feet wide. Its closest Earth approach is expected to be 6.04 million kilometers. It will reach close to Earth on October 5. It was first observed on 21 August 2023. It is hurtling towards Earth with a speed of 22703 kilometers per hour. (PIxabay)
4/5 Asteroid 2023 RF10: As revealed by the data from NASA, this asteroid is 84 feet wide. It is expected to pay a close visit to Earth on October 5. Its closest Earth approach is estimated to be 6.07 million kilometers. It will be speeding toward Earth with a relative velocity of approximately 20836 million kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
5/5 Asteroid 2022 TD: According to NASA, this asteroid is as big as the size of a bus. Designated as 2022 TD, this asteroid is 31 feet wide. It is expected to reach close to Earth on October 7. Its close Earth approach is estimated to be 3.42 million kilometers. It will be travelling towards Earth at a speed of 33843 kilometers per hour. (Pixabay)
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Asteroid 2023 QC8 belongs to the Amor group of asteroids. (Pixabay)

Asteroids often pass Earth at close distances, posing a threat to the planet with their terrifying approaches. Most of them might seem like they're just floating rocks in space, but did you know asteroids have differing compositions? These space rocks can be classified into 3 types based on their structural composition. The most commonly found asteroids are S-type, which are made up of carbon-rich substances. On the other hand, S-type asteroids are made up mainly of silicate minerals and are less common. M-type asteroids are the least prevalent and they are primarily composed of metal.

In a separate development, NASA has issued details about an asteroid expected to make its closest approach to Earth today.

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Asteroid 2023 QC8: Details of close approach

With the help of its advanced ground and space-based telescopes, NASA has tracked an asteroid whose orbit will bring it very close to Earth today. As per the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an asteroid, given the designation of Asteroid 2023 QC8, is on its way toward Earth and could make its closest approach to the planet today, October 5.

This near-Earth space rock is expected to make its closest approach to the planet at a distance of 6 million kilometers and at a speed of 22741 kilometers per hour which is much faster than Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)!

According to NASA, this space rock belongs to the Amor group of Near-Earth Asteroids which are Earth-approaching near-Earth asteroids with orbits exterior to Earth but interior to Mars', named after asteroid 1221 Amor, which was discovered by Belgian astronomer E. Delporte in 1932.

How big is the asteroid?

In terms of size, Asteroid 2023 QC8 is nearly 130 feet wide, which makes it almost as big as an aircraft! Despite being more than two times bigger than the Chelyabinsk asteroid which caused damage on Earth in 2013, this space rock isn't big enough to be classified as a Potentially Hazardous Object.

Asteroid impact this year

Did you know that an asteroid struck Earth this year? While it wasn't a planet killer that wiped out entire species like another space rock did about 65 million years ago, this one did hit the surface. As per NASA, a meteorite turned into an atmospheric fireball on February 15 and crashed near McAllen, Texas. Law enforcement agencies in the McAllen region received several calls from residents who reported hearing a loud explosion. It was a 1000-pound rock that was 2 feet in diameter as it broke into pieces about 21 miles above Earth's surface.

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First Published Date: 05 Oct, 10:16 IST