These 5 COOL free websites can do the Unthinkable! Check this list NOW | Tech News

These 5 COOL free websites can do the Unthinkable! Check this list NOW

These 5 free websites can do everything from using an AI to solve complex equations, creating bots that can automate tasks, show you walking tours of cities and much more. Check the list.

| Updated on: Oct 22 2022, 09:16 IST
Websites that changed the web
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1/10 Did you know some early websites which re-invented how we play and interact online? Check out the these web pioneers that changed the way web works. (Photo credit: AFP Relaxnews)
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2/10 ANTIROM – 1994Agency: Antirom. Designed: Andy Allenson, Joel Baumann, Andy Cameron, Rob LeQuesne, Luke Pendrell, Sophie Pendrell, Andy Polaine, Anthony Rodgers, Nicolas Roope, Tom Roope, Joe Stephenson, Jason Tame. Built in: Director 5 The London-based Antirom art collective was established with the “radical vision to explore interaction as a media in its own right rather than as an interface for content.” Their vision changed the face of interactive design by encouraging users to strike up an active relationship with the computer.
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3/10 HEAD-SPACE – 1997Agency: Head New Media. Developed by: Jason Holland, Felix Velarde, John Lundberg, Matthew Glubb. Built in: HTML 3.2, Director 5 Britain's answer to The Blue Dot was an online community called Head-Space. The collaborative online site promoted creative expression and incubated prominent ‘90s websites including community-focused Urban 75, interactive art project and most notably, the interactive game “Slap a Spice Girl.” (AFP)
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4/10 MODERN LIVING – 1998Modern Living. Developed by: Han Hoogerbrugge. Built in: GIF, Flash 3 Dutchman Han Hoogerbrugge turned his comic strip into a series of looping GIFs in 1998 on his website Modern Living. The animations soon became interactive Flash-based artworks and detailed Hoogerbrugge’s ongoing battle with modern life. (AFP)
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5/10 NOODLEBOX – 1997Agency: PlayCreate. Designed by: Daniel Brown. Built in: Director 6 Daniel Brown infused his website Noodlebox with playful, immersive computer games, making it stand out from other websites of the time. The interactive landscape of building blocks and computer game experiments was entirely created using multimedia software Adobe Director and now appears in the San Francisco MOMA and the Victoria and Albert Museum. (AFP)
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6/10 PS2.PRAYSTATION– 2000Agency: Joshua Davis Studio. Developed by: Joshua Davis. Built in: Flash 4 After unsuccessfully attempting to publish children’s books, Joshua Davis turned to the web, creating “an experimental personal site of digital exploration” called PrayStation that would change the face of interactive design forever. PrayStation was one of the first sites to provide its source files free. (AFP)
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7/10 REQUIEM FOR A DREAM – 2000Agency: Hi-ReS!. Designed by: Alexandra Jugovic and Florian Schmitt. Built in: Flash 4.0 Design agency Hi-ReS! created the website for the film 'Requiem for a Dream.' Like the movie, the website delved into the cinematic landscape and investigated online behaviors such as addiction, gambling and compulsion. “As the user descends deeper into the malfunctioning website, it gradually deteriorates and finally falls apart, ejecting the visitor in its death throes.” (AFP)
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8/10 THE BLUE DOT – 1995Agency: Razorfish. Designed and curated by: Craig Kanarick. Built in: HTML 2.0, Director 5 (Shockwave), Real Audio Digital agency Razorfish entered into internet history by creating the first animated website. The website utilized the server-push GIF-animation capabilities of Netscape Navigator 1.1 and featured a bouncing blue dot. “Razorfish founders Jeffrey Dachis and Craig Kanarick followed this milestone with one of the first online art galleries, The Blue Dot,” a site that is now in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. (AFP)
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9/10 WORD.COM – 1995Organisation: Word Magazine. Edited by: Marisa BoweDesigned by: Yoshi Sodeoka. Built in: HTML 2.0, Director 5 (Shockwave), Real Audio became one of the most influential e-zines on the web by offering its readers a multimedia experience while most of its rivals were still recreating the print magazine format online. The website incorporated games, audio and chat. The e-zine also featured the Shockwave game SiSSYFiGHT, which is often cited as being one of the first examples of massively multiplayer online games. (AFP)
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10/10 THE PROJECT – 1991Organization: CERN. Designed by: Tim Berners-Lee. Built in: HTML 1.0 It all began at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in March of 1989. In 1990 Berners-Lee realized The Project by creating a browser-editor that ran on the now obsolete NeXTStep Operating System. He called it the WorldWideWeb.
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You need to check out these 5 free websites that can do some really cool stuff. (Pixabay)

Gone are the days when websites were simple static backgrounds with walls of text, pictures and videos that you could look up. In the age of artificial intelligence and machine learning, they can do a ton of cool and useful things. And some of it is quite honestly unimaginable. Just imagine taking a walking tour of any city in the world without leaving your couch and seeing the world from the eyes of someone who is actually there. Or to automate any browser based tasks without needing to learn coding. Or even solving big mathematical problems with the help of AI. If you want to know what the internet and technology has to offer, you have to check out these five cool websites.

City Walks

This website lets you choose from multiple cities all across the world and as soon as you click on it, you can see a first-person point of view video of a person walking on a random street in the city. Whether you want to explore the world or want something relaxing to play in the background, this website can do both. You can also participate in planned group walking activities as well.

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Wolfram Alpha

The website describes itself as “Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram's breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase and AI technology” and it does exactly that. There are tonnes of topics to choose from and you can set your questions to be as specific and complicated as you want (within the set parameters) and it will give you an answer that will leave you enriched.

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This website is for all the internet enthusiasts who want to do stuff but do not know how to code. It is a no-code website, meaning you only use the visual interface to program a bot into doing anything. You can set up a bot to handle your Amazon store, track tweets, automate Facebook and Instagram posting and much more.

Scale of the Universe 2

If you like astronomy, you might have wondered how large is one celestial object to another. For example, is Halley's comet larger than India? And what is the size difference between the Milky Way and the Small Magellanic Cloud? We often read them in numbers but a visual cue is often missing. Well, this website solves this problem for you. It has a huge scale that begins at planck's length and ends at the observable universe. And everything in between can be compared to similar sized objects and you can see which is larger than what. Once you enter this rabbit hole, you can easily spend hours investigating various bodies in the world.

Internet Live Stats

Are you fascinated about the internet? Do you love statistics? Then this website is for you. The website tracks cool internet statistics that you can use and show off in front of your friends. You can know exactly how many internet users exist at this moment, number of total websites, number of tweets sent today and much more.

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First Published Date: 22 Oct, 09:05 IST