Send WhatsApp messages, stickers, GIFs to celebrate World Ozone Day 2022- Know how | How-to

Send WhatsApp messages, stickers, GIFs to celebrate World Ozone Day 2022- Know how

Celebrate World Ozone Day 2022 by sending WhatsApp messages, quotes, stickers, GIFs, and more over WhatsApp. Here are the steps you need to follow.

| Updated on: Sep 16 2022, 14:18 IST
In Pics: 390-foot killer asteroid to come terrifyingly close to Earth on Sep 18; will there be a collision?
World Ozone Day 2022
1/5 In the midst of all small asteroid flybys in the past few months, NASA has now warned that a colossal asteroid is heading straight for Earth. The asteroid possesses the capability of causing total annihilation on Earth and end all life if it impacts the planet. But will there be an asteroid collision with Earth? (Pixabay)
World Ozone Day 2022
2/5 Although this asteroid was discovered back in 2005, it has still become a cause for concern for scientists due to its sheer size and the speed at which it is rapidly hurtling towards Earth. Most of these space rock have their origin in the asteroid belt. (Pixabay)
World Ozone Day 2022
3/5 Asteroid 2005 RX3 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids located in the asteroid belt near Jupiter. The asteroid takes 690 days to complete one orbit around the Sun. During this orbit, the asteroid’s maximum distance from the Sun is 350 million kilometers while it comes as close as 108 million kilometers at its nearest point. (NASA)
World Ozone Day 2022
4/5 Most of the asteroids are observed with the help of the NEOWISE Project which repurposed NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer to work as a survey telescope and scan the sky for Near-Earth Objects. NASA then uses its ground-based radar to gather precise data about the asteroid’s path and its characteristics. (Pixabay)
World Ozone Day 2022
5/5 NASA can track the orbital path of the asteroid using this infrared data and can even predict its orbit years into the future. As of now, nearly 28,000 near-Earth asteroids have been discovered using various survey telescopes which track objects in the sky. (Pixabay)
World Ozone Day 2022
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World Ozone Day 2022: Know how to send WhatsApp stickers, GIFs. (Reuters)

What makes Earth a safer planet to live in? The presence of atmospheric layers which include the Ozone layer is one of the reasons. The Ozone layer protects life on the planet by stopping harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun from reaching us. However, the Ozone layer has been depleting mainly due to use of chemicals containing halogens. In order to spread awareness about the importance of protecting the Ozone layer, World Ozone Day 2022 is celebrated on September 16 every year. You can also create awareness about the same by sending WhatsApp messages, stickers, GIFs, quotes and more.

Apart from WhatsApp, several other online applications can also be used to send World Ozone Day 2022 messages, quotes, stickers, and more. The apps include Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, among others. Here are some of the World Ozone Day 2022 messages, quotes and wishes that you can share with your family, friends and other near and dear ones on WhatsApp or any other app mentioned above.

1. Save life on Earth by protecting the Ozone layer. Happy world Ozone Day 2022!

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2. “Earth without the ozone layer is like a house without a roof; Save the Ozone layer.”

3. Protect the Ozone today for your better tomorrow. Happy World Ozone Day 2022!

4. Let's take an oath to protect the Ozone Layer and give the future generation a better place to live. Happy World Ozone Day 2022!

5. Ozone is like a mother to planet Earth, protecting her child from harmful rays and radiations. Happy World Ozone Day 2022!

World Ozone Day 2022: How to send WhatsApp stickers

1. Android users can go to Google Play Store and search for World Ozone Day in the search bar.

2. Then from the given options, select the sticker pack you would like to download and add it to WhatsApp from the list.

3. Once it is done, you will see all the stickers in the pack inside of the My Stickers tab of WhatsApp.

4. From the sticker pack, select the sticker and then tap on the 'Add' button denoting the '+' symbol. You will need to confirm by tapping on the 'Add to WhatsApp' button.

5. Now you can simply select and send World Ozone Day stickers to your friends and family.

World Ozone Day 2022: How to send WhatsApp GIFs

Step 1:

Open WhatsApp and click on the individual or group chat where you want to send the GIF.

Step 2:

Tap on the smiley icon available on the messaging box.

Step 3:

Click on the GIF option.

Step 4:

Now, click on the search icon and type World Ozone Day.

Step 5:

Select the GIF you like from the options displayed on the screen of your smartphone and share it by tapping on the send button.

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First Published Date: 16 Sep, 14:18 IST