WhatsApp Tips and Tricks: How to send WhatsApp message to number not in contact list via click to chat | How-to

WhatsApp Tips and Tricks: How to send message to number not in contact list

  • WhatsApp users can chat without saving the number of a person in their phonebook via click to chat feature.

| Updated on: Aug 21 2022, 22:18 IST
WhatsApp Tips and Tricks: Know how to send WhatsApp Message without adding number in your contact list through click to chat feature. (Reuters)

WhatsApp Tips and Tricks: WhatsApp app can be found installed on almost everyone's smartphone. And all the WhatsApp users must have observed that they can send message to or chat with people whose contact numbers are saved in the users contact list. Yes, that is in order to talk to any person outside your contact list you will have to first save his/her number. However, you might want to reach out to a business or service contact for a one-time chat and adding the number to your phonebook could lead to clutter. But, do you know that you can chat and message people not in your phone's contact list without saving their numbers? Yes, there is a feature in the WhatsApp app using which you can do so. WhatsApp click to chat feature allows you to begin a chat with someone without having their phone number saved in your phone's address book. As long as you know this person's phone number and they have an active WhatsApp account, you can create a link that will allow you to start a chat with them.

By clicking the link, a WhatsApp chat with the person automatically opens. It can be noted that WhatsApp click to chat works on both your phone and WhatsApp Web. Here are a few ways to initiate a WhatsApp chat without adding a phone number as a contact.

Create your own link

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Use https://wa.me/<number> where the <number> is a full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.


Use: https://wa.me/1XXXXXXXXXX

Don't use: https://wa.me/+001-(XXX)XXXXXXX

Create your own link with a pre-filled message

The pre-filled message will automatically appear in the text field of a chat. Use https://wa.me/whatsappphonenumber?text=urlencodedtext where whatsappphonenumber is a full phone number in international format and urlencodedtext is the URL-encoded pre-filled message.

Example: https://wa.me/1XXXXXXXXXX?text=I'm%20interested%20in%20your%20car%20for%20sale

To create a link with just a pre-filled message, use https://wa.me/?text=urlencodedtext

Example: https://wa.me/?text=I'm%20inquiring%20about%20the%20apartment%20listing`

After clicking on the link, you will be shown a list of contacts you can send your message to.

Also, WhatsApp users can know that the process of creating your own link to chat is the same for both Android and iPhones.

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First Published Date: 29 Nov, 10:30 IST

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