LinkedIn rolls out TikTok-like video feed for professionals; Know all about it | Tech News

LinkedIn rolls out TikTok-like video feed for professionals; Know all about it

LinkedIn is experimenting with a new feature similar to TikTok—a short-form video feed focused on professional content.

| Updated on: Mar 28 2024, 19:42 IST
The new video feed feature allows users to discover bite-sized career insights and engage with professional content in a more accessible format. (unsplash)

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, is following the trend set by other popular apps like Instagram and Snapchat by experimenting with a TikTok-like short-form video feed. This new feature, spotted by Austin Null, a strategy director at McKinney, introduces a vertical feed of short videos accessible through a dedicated "Video" tab in the app's navigation bar. Users can swipe through the videos, engage with them by liking, commenting, or sharing, and explore professional content in a more dynamic format.

LinkedIn rolls out TikTok-like video feed

While platforms like TikTok encompass a wide range of content genres, LinkedIn's video feed is distinctly tailored to cater to career-oriented topics. This move is intended to enhance engagement and discovery on the platform by providing users with easily digestible videos on subjects related to professional growth and expertise, reported Techcrunch.

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LinkedIn acknowledges the growing preference among users for video content as a means of learning from professionals and industry experts. The platform's test of this new feature reflects its commitment to adapting to user preferences and facilitating knowledge-sharing within its community.

The introduction of the TikTok-like video feed on LinkedIn presents exciting opportunities for content creators, especially those who have gained traction on TikTok for sharing career advice and insights. By providing a dedicated space for such content, LinkedIn aims to attract creators and potentially monetize the feed in the future.

However, some users may express concerns about the proliferation of short-form video feeds across various platforms. They may feel overwhelmed by the influx of content or perceive it as detracting from the platform's primary focus on professional networking.

LinkedIn's experimentation with a TikTok-like video feed underscores its efforts to evolve and stay relevant in an increasingly video-centric digital landscape. As the feature undergoes testing, it will be interesting to see how users respond and whether it becomes a permanent fixture on the platform.

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First Published Date: 28 Mar, 19:41 IST

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