Learn about these HIDDEN settings in your smartphone using Android secret codes | Mobile News

Learn about these HIDDEN settings in your smartphone using Android secret codes

Android secret codes give you the access to hidden settings and information in your smartphone that you can benefit from

| Updated on: Aug 21 2022, 23:32 IST
Phone Password
These hidden settings and information have always been in your smartphone; reveal them using Android secret codes (Pixabay)

Tech-savvy Android users and smartphone techies might be familiar with Android secret codes, but probably a majority of you still don't know much of anything about them. The secret codes can be used with Android smartphones to unlock hidden setting options and information about your device you previously did not know. This information can especially be helpful in case you ever need to get your smartphone repaired and wanted to check what specifications you had so the person fixing your phone wouldn't fool you by quoting unreasonable prices.

For example, let's assume your smartphone camera stopped working. You took the device to the repair shop and the person told you that you would need to get it replaced and he offered to replace it with a Sony camera lens. But what if your device did not need or use Sony lenses? This is when you can just use one of these codes to find out the information relating to your camera and correct the person. And in the process, save some money too! So read on, to find out how to access this information.

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Two types of Android secret codes

First thing you need to know is that there are two types of codes that you can use in your Android smartphone. These Android secret codes are divided into Unstructured Supplementary Service Data or USSD and Man Machine Interface or MMI. USSD is a carrier specific code that tells you about different information relating to your network carrier. MMI, on the other hand, are specific to the model and the brand of a device. So, while USSD code will tell you the various value added services and total account balance in your SIM card, MMI will tell you about different softwares, hardwares and other hidden settings that go inside your smartphone.

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So, most of the codes we will be sharing here are MMI codes or device-specific codes. We have already shared many of these codes before, which you can read here. Now, let's move on to Android secret codes.

Check out these Android secret codes

Android secret codes are generally universal and will work for most devices, however there might be some restrictions on specific devices which do not allow you to access these hidden settings or read these information. With that being said, here are the Android secret codes for your smartphone.

1. *#*#759#*#* - This code will let you access RIz debug UI

2. *#0*# - This code will let you see the info menu

3. *#*#4636#*#* - If the previous code does not work, you can see your info menu with this one

4. *#*#34971539#*#* - This code will let you see your camera information

5. *#*#1111#*#* - This code helps you access the FTA software version

6. *#*#232337#*# - This code will tell you about the Bluetooth address of your device

7. *#*#2222#*#* - This code will tell you your hardware version

8. *#*#44336#*#* - Use this code to find out your software version and update info

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First Published Date: 20 Jan, 19:48 IST