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Sidekick AI app: 5 painless ways this AI tool helps users stay productive

Searching for effective AI tools to boost your productivity? Check 5 ways how Sidekick AI app helps users schedule meetings and stay productive throughout the day.

Updated on: Jan 19 2024, 15:18 IST
Know how AI tool, Sidekick AI, helps users stay productive. (Pixabay)

In a work environment that requires constant communication and early deadlines, it is very easy to overlook important tasks and meetings. While we struggle to keep up with tasks we also sometimes miss out on crucial meetings due to a lack of effective scheduling. Therefore, to keep up with tasks and all the important meetings you need a useful scheduling tool that will keep you informed about upcoming meetings and help you plan your days accordingly. Sidekick AI is one such AI-scheduling tool that enables users to schedule, notify and invite teams for meetings so they do not forget to join important discussions. Know more about the Sidekick AI app here and how it benefits users.

What is the Sidekick AI app?

Sidekick AI is an effective scheduling tool with leverages AI to create meetings on its calendar for everyone on the team. It helps users to schedule, invite and remind employees of important meetings in one place. The app comprises several scheduling options such as Forward to Schedule, Scheduling Pages, Sidekick Scheduling, and more to help users customize their way of conducting a meeting that fits their day-to-day tasks. This tool can be easily utilized by small or large organizations for effective meeting scheduling. Check how it improves users' productivity and helps them stay informed.

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Top 5 ways Sidekick AI helps users stay productive and organized

  • The app provides multiple ways for scheduling meetings through which users can customize the times they can meet and share the meeting links.
  • Its forwards to schedule feature helps users schedule meetings through email with the help of powerful language processing and machine learning. Users can simply forward the email request to Sidekick and it automatically creates a meeting link.
  • With the Sidekick AI app, users do not have to ask each member for their availability as the app finds the best timing for other Sidekick users based on their availability.
  • It also provides collaborative features in which you can easily integrate several other tools with the Sidekick AI app such as Microsoft Teams, Google Calendar, Zoom, Outlook, and others.
  • The app also provides meeting reminders prior to the meeting so you do not miss any meetings.

The Sidekick AI app is available in a free version along with a subscription-based version which costs only $5 per month. Try out the productivity app and see how it benefits you and your team.

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First Published Date: 19 Jan, 14:59 IST