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Micromax Laptops

Micromax, based in Gurgaon, is an Indian consumer electronics company formed in 2000 by Rahul Sharma and Rajesh Agarwal. The company was founded as a software development firm in the field of information technology. Later on, it expanded into consumer goods such as cell phones, tablets, televisions ...Read More
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Scoring parameters
How is the score calculated?

This is a relative score calculated on the basis of the following specifications:

  • Performance
  • Smart features (Touchscreen, Fingerprint, Touchbar, etc)
  • Camera
  • Storage
  • Display

Each laptops has been benchmarked against ~31,000 other phones to calculate the score.

For personalized scores based on your preference, you can visit Laptop Recommender to check scores of the recommended Laptops for you.

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