Asteroid 2023 PZ approaching Earth for a close approach, says NASA

NASA has found an asteroid named 2023 PZ that is set to make a close approach to Earth on August 17. Check details here.

| Updated on: Aug 15 2023, 16:31 IST
Asteroid 2020 PP1 - Asteroid 2020 PP1, is currently heading towards Earth and will get very close to Earth tomorrow, July 28. The asteroid is nearly the size of a house with a width of 52 feet. It is travelling at almost 14641 kilometers per hour and will make its closest approach at 6.5 million kilometers. (Pixabay)
1/5 Asteroid 2020 PP1 - Asteroid 2020 PP1, is currently heading towards Earth and will get very close to Earth tomorrow, July 28. The asteroid is nearly the size of a house with a width of 52 feet. It is travelling at almost 14641 kilometers per hour and will make its closest approach at 6.5 million kilometers. (Pixabay)
The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) reports that asteroid 2023 PZ will make its closest approach to Earth on August 17, 2023, at a speed of 5639 kilometres per hour.
The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) reports that asteroid 2023 PZ will make its closest approach to Earth on August 17, 2023, at a speed of 5639 kilometres per hour.
2/5 The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) reports that asteroid 2023 PZ will make its closest approach to Earth on August 17, 2023, at a speed of 5639 kilometres per hour.
NASA's asteroid data tracker suggests that asteroid 2023 PZ is expected to come as close as 522,000 KM to the Earth.
NASA's asteroid data tracker suggests that asteroid 2023 PZ is expected to come as close as 522,000 KM to the Earth. (Pixabay)
3/5 NASA's asteroid data tracker suggests that asteroid 2023 PZ is expected to come as close as 522,000 KM to the Earth. (Pixabay)
In terms of size, the asteroid is 18 feet long. This asteroid is a Near-Earth object belonging to the Aten group.
In terms of size, the asteroid is 18 feet long. This asteroid is a Near-Earth object belonging to the Aten group. (Pixabay)
4/5 In terms of size, the asteroid is 18 feet long. This asteroid is a Near-Earth object belonging to the Aten group. (Pixabay)
The asteroid does not pose any threat to Earth, according to NASA. Despite this, NASA will continue to monitor the asteroid till it passes safely by the Earth.
The asteroid does not pose any threat to Earth, according to NASA. Despite this, NASA will continue to monitor the asteroid till it passes safely by the Earth.
5/5 The asteroid does not pose any threat to Earth, according to NASA. Despite this, NASA will continue to monitor the asteroid till it passes safely by the Earth.
First Published Date: 15 Aug, 15:57 IST

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