Geomagnetic storm to hit the Earth soon; Check what NASA said

According to a recent forecast by NASA SDO, a geomagnetic storm is expected to hit Earth on October 30.

| Updated on: Oct 28 2023, 15:45 IST
 geomagnetic storm
According to the recently released images by NASA SDO, a giant hole has been observed on the Sun that is releasing huge amount of solar winds. These winds are estimated to reach Earth on October 30 and they can spark a geomagnetic storm on Earth. A few days ago, a solar storm hit Earth and it caused auroras to light up the Arctic Circle.  (Pixabay)
1/5 According to the recently released images by NASA SDO, a giant hole has been observed on the Sun that is releasing huge amount of solar winds. These winds are estimated to reach Earth on October 30 and they can spark a geomagnetic storm on Earth. A few days ago, a solar storm hit Earth and it caused auroras to light up the Arctic Circle.  (Pixabay)
geomagnetic storms
According to a report by SpaceWeather, “Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are likely on Oct. 30th when a solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The gaseous material is flowing from a double-lobed hole in the sun's atmosphere”. (Pixabay)
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2/5 According to a report by SpaceWeather, “Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are likely on Oct. 30th when a solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The gaseous material is flowing from a double-lobed hole in the sun's atmosphere”. (Pixabay)
geomagnetic storm
This G1-class geomagnetic storm can spark auroras and can cause disruptions for some radio waves which in turn can lead to communications trouble for mariners, aviators, drone pilots, and amateur radio operators.  (Pixabay)
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3/5 This G1-class geomagnetic storm can spark auroras and can cause disruptions for some radio waves which in turn can lead to communications trouble for mariners, aviators, drone pilots, and amateur radio operators.  (Pixabay)
geomagnetic storms
The other worst effects of geomagnetic storms include disruption of GPS and mobile networks, hampering of internet connectivity, damaging satellites, power grid failures, and deterioration of electronic equipment, but only if they are very powerful. (Pixabay)
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4/5 The other worst effects of geomagnetic storms include disruption of GPS and mobile networks, hampering of internet connectivity, damaging satellites, power grid failures, and deterioration of electronic equipment, but only if they are very powerful. (Pixabay)
geomagnetic storms
In order to take preventive measures against these geomagnetic storms, it is necessary to keep track of them. This key role is fulfilled by NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory. NASA SDO uses three instruments to observe solar activities which include Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI),Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE), and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). These instruments help NASA SDO to keep track of solar activities and collect data from them. (Pixabay)
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5/5 In order to take preventive measures against these geomagnetic storms, it is necessary to keep track of them. This key role is fulfilled by NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory. NASA SDO uses three instruments to observe solar activities which include Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI),Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE), and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). These instruments help NASA SDO to keep track of solar activities and collect data from them. (Pixabay)
First Published Date: 28 Oct, 15:45 IST

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