A zombie look inside of a fitness gym through a window to surprise people. AFP PHOTO / Kimihiro Hoshino A zombie visits an entrance of a game company office as a group of zombies march around streets of San Francisco to promote Zynga's new zombie game for iPhone on May 24, 2012 in California. AFP PHOTO / Kimihiro Hoshino Zombies marched around streets of San Francisco giving out blood pops and stickers to promote Zynga's new zombie game Zombie Swipeout. Check out the fleshy pics. A zombie gives a free blood pop to a woman as a group of zombies march around streets of San Francisco to promote Zynga's new zombie game for iPhone on May 24, 2012 in california. AFP PHOTO / Kimihiro Hoshino Zombies stalked San Francisco streets as social game maker Zynga ghoulishly introduced a game that lets iPhone or iPod Touch users slash and hack the undead. AFP PHOTO / Kimihiro Hoshino The hordes enticed humans with free 'blood pops' - hibiscus and mint popsicles promising the fleshiest ingredients.