The Telugu-language epic period action drama film RRR, which starred big names like N.T. Rama Rao Jr (Jr NTR), Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran and more will now be making its OTT debut soon. S.S. Rajamouli's big budget movie has received positive reviews from critics and has managed a huge box office collection of Rs. 1,115 Cr on the silver screen. Now after its success, RRR OTT release date is being eagerly searched for by fans. The movie will be available on both Zee5 and Netflix. If you had been looking forward to this movie but could not watch it in the theater, now you can enjoy it at the comfort of your home. Find out the RRR release date below.
RRR had created a huge impact in the Telugu movie industry after its theatrical release on March 22, 2022. While the movie was originally made in Telugu language, it has been dubbed in several languages including Hindi, English, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. The movie had broken multiple records since its release as well. The Jr. NTR, Ram Charan movie broke the record for the highest opening-day collection earned by an Indian film with Rs. 240 Cr. RRR box office collections have also made it the second highest-grossing film in India and the third highest-grossing Indian film with a total earning of Rs. 1,115 Cr ($150 million). The critically acclaimed movie is now coming directly to your television screens and mobile phones.
The big budget action drama movie RRR, which starred Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt and others may make its OTT debut on Netflix and Zee5 on May 20th. There has been no official announcement by either of the platforms but it is expected that RRR release date announcement will be made soon.
According to various reports, the streaming rights to the movie were sold to the OTT platforms for a record price. Zee5 will have the Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam versions of the film while Netflix will have the Hindi version.
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