RARE Green Comet seen in Abu Dhabi; You can still watch it; it will come after 50000 years

The rare, once in 50000 years, green comet has reached its closest point to the Sun and it was just snapped in Abu Dhabi. You can catch a glimpse of it. Know when and how.

| Updated on: Jan 16 2023, 14:22 IST
Where do comets come from?
1/6 Most comets come from the Kuiper belt, a region beyond the orbit of Neptune comets from this neighborhood usually take 200 years or less to make one orbit around the sun. These are called short-period comets. (NASA)
2/6 Comets also come from their other hangout Oort cloud, a far-far-distant cloud, sending some flying into the inner solar system. (Pixabay)
3/6 When they are at home in the Oort cloud or Kuiper belt comets are just dull, dark chunks of ice, dust, and rock. In this state, they may not be much different from asteroids. (NASA/MSFC/Aaron Kingery)
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4/6 Sometimes the gravitational pull of a planet can disturb comets in the Kuiper Belt and fly one headlong toward the sun. Notably, Jupiter's strong gravity can turn a long-period comet into a short-period one. (NASA)
5/6 The Sun's gravitational pull takes over, shaping the comet's path into an elliptical orbit. The comet travels faster and faster as it nears the sun swings and goes around close to the backside, then heads back to more or less where it came from. (Pixabay)
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6/6 What makes comets look fuzzy and have tails? As comets get closer to the sun and begin to warm up, some of their materials start to boil off. This material forms a cloud around the nucleus. The cloud is called the coma and may stretch over hundreds of thousands of miles across. (NASA)
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Know how to catch the rare green Comet in the sky. It will come back after 50000 years, if ever. (NASA)

An extremely rare green comet, which has made a once-in-50000-year appearance from space was spotted in Abu Dhabi on January 14. The International Astronomy Centre (IAC) tweeted this message while sharing the video, "A video of the movement of comet C2022 E3 (ZTF) from the UAE sky at dawn today, Saturday, January 14, 2023 CE, from 05:01 to 05:36 UAE time." The rare comet was seen at magnitude 6.5 with a dust tail, while its ionic tail was seen opposite the Sun at 307 degrees. This comet is has appeared for the first time in 50000 years! That means this is the last opportunity for anyone to take a look at this comet as astronomers believe it may never come back again.

Don't fret! If you think you missed this golden opportunity to catch the glimpse of this once-in-a-lifetime event, then you still have a chance! Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF) can be best seen when gets to the closest point to Earth. It will do that soon. Know all details here, when, and how to watch this rare comet in the sky.

When to watch the Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF)

NASA says that the comet is on a voyage through the inner Solar System and was at perihelion, its closest to the Sun, on January 12. However, it was spotted on January 14 for a split second by an astronomy centre in Abu Dhabi. Perigee, which is closest to our Earth, will be on February 1. The brightness of comets is notoriously unpredictable, but by then C/2022 E3 (ZTF) could become visible to the eye in dark night skies. All you need to be in an area with relatively low light pollution and clear sky.

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How to watch the Comet 2022 E3 online

You can also catch this rare comet live! The Virtual Telescope Project, an online telescope webcast platform hosted a free livestream of the comet on January 14. It will show this comet live, online again on the day of its close approach to the Earth. You can watch the livestream directly on the website or on the YouTube channel.

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First Published Date: 16 Jan, 14:21 IST

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