Quordle 614 answers for September 30: Duck soup today! Just check hints, clues | How-to

Quordle 614 answers for September 30: Duck soup today! Just check hints, clues

Quordle 614 answers for September 30: Today’s Quordle 614 is extremely easy to solve. However, if you’re still facing trouble, then check out Quordle hints, clues, and answers here.

| Updated on: Sep 30 2023, 07:02 IST
Quordle 614
Quordle 614 answers for September 30: Check hints and solve Quordle 614 easily today! (HT Tech)

Quordle 614 answers for September 30: Most people won't find today's Quordle 614 difficult. The complexity bar has been lowered, and people can guess most of the answers easily as it is the start of the weekend. While you can stick to your tried-and-tested strategy, the answers can be tricky to guess on some occasions, causing you to break your winning streak. We've listed some hints and clues below to give you a general direction. However, if all your efforts fail, then just check out the solutions at the end.

Quordle 614 hints for September 30

In today's puzzle, not one but two words have repeated letters, which makes guessing them correctly just a bit more difficult. In fact, one of the words has multiple repetitions. If you can target them properly, the other two words should not pose too big a problem. In fact, you will probably be familiar with three out of four of these words. The idea is to start with vowel-enriched words and then take the help of these clues. The letter arrangement is also pretty typical. So, all you need is a good letter elimination strategy.

Quordle 614 clues for September 30

1. Today's words begin with M, C, S, and G.

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2. The words end with E, K, E, and E.

3. Word 1 clue - a confused fight or scuffle.

4. Word 2 clue - to examine something.

5. Word 3 clue - give out a bright light.

6. Word 4 clue - to move with a smooth, continuous motion.

That's all! Hope these clues brought you somewhat closer to the answers. Just think loud and give it your best shot. We are sure you'll crack the puzzle. However, if you're stuck and can't afford any wrong guesses, then scroll down for the solution.

Quordle 614 answer for September 30

ALERT! In case you are still trying to solve the puzzle on your one, do not read ahead. You have been warned.

The four words in today's Quordle are:





We hope these hints and clues were enough to secure your victory today. Check back again for tomorrow's Quordle hints, clues, and answers.

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First Published Date: 30 Sep, 07:02 IST