Worried about your child’s screen time? Check how to turn on the iPhone Communication Safety feature | How-to

Worried about your child’s screen time? Check how to turn on the iPhone Communication Safety feature

Are you concerned about your child's safety in terms of what kind of content he or she is viewing? Know how to benefit from the iPhone’s Communication Safety feature.

| Updated on: Nov 12 2023, 13:47 IST
iPhone 14
Know how to turn on the Communication Safety feature on iPhone. (Pexels)

Nowadays, parents' biggest concern about their children is the increasing screen time and the type of content they are exposed to on the internet and social media platforms. To solve the problem, Apple has released some Communication Safety features that enable parents to protect their children. Furthermore, with the introduction of iOS 17, the features are more enhanced and improved. Know more about the iPhone's communication Safety features and how it works.

What is the iPhone Communications Safety feature?

The Communication safety feature has been integrated in all iPhones to safeguard children. The feature was introduced with the iOS 15.2 update, however, with the iOS 17 update, its functionality has been improved. Earlier, the feature only worked for the Messages app which used to warn children of sensitive content. Now, it applies to AirDrop, Contact Posters, FaceTime messages, and others. This feature basically, blurs any inappropriate or nude images. The iOS 17 update now also scans videos to protect minors from viewing any harmful image or video.

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How to enable Communication Safety feature on your iPhone?

  • Go to the settings app on your iPhone
  • Find “Screen time” and tap on it.
  • Now you will have to select the name of your child from your family group.
  • Now go to “Communication safety”
  • Turn on the toggle alongside “Check for sensitive photo”

If as a parent, you are in search of help for your children, then you can also visit the “Child safety resources” to seek guidance. Note that the advanced Communication safety features can only be accessed when your child's iPhone is updated with the iOS 17 version. Now, you will be able to protect your child by only showing age-appropriate content. Furthermore, you don't always have to spy on what they doing. Try out this child safety feature today and see how it works out for you and your children.

Adults too can take advantage of a similar feature by turning on the “sensitive content warning” feature in their iPhones. It functions much like the Communication Safety feature.

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First Published Date: 12 Nov, 13:47 IST